We are least knowledgeable about our health, while it is the most essential thing in our life - Herbert Spencer.
Remember if you have a big problem only your doctor is a competent person.
Everybody wants to Become Younger, but not everybody wants to do more than wishful thinking about it. If we want to Become Younger and Healthier, we must DO something about it.
"Water is not just some colorless and tasteless one dimensional liquid; on the contrary, life on earth originated from water, and all life forms depend on water to sustain them, therefore water is the fundamental foundation and source of eternal life on earth. Without water, neither humans nor any other life forms can exist. There are some life forms which may exist without air, but none may exist without water. Simply put, there is no substitute for water. If we can not find staples such as rice or bread, we can replace them with meat and vegetables, even if a marriage ends up in separation or divorce causing loneliness and heartache, someone else can be found to fill that hole in our lives; however, on the entire planet earth, there is no substitute that can replace water. Life can not exist without water, and water can not be replaced with any other substance. Humanity can benefit as a whole by appreciating such a valuable and rare natural resource, and by furthering the field of knowledge of how water plays active role in environment and health. "
Structured water is most beneficial to our health. We can get it from FRUITS and VEGETABLES, their juices, and from MELTED ICE. Scientists became interested in the fact that the Yakut people of Siberia in northern Russia live , on the average, for one hundred years. They do not have running water or well water; they eat very little fruits and vegetables; their diet is poor in general but they virtually never get sick. The answer to the mystery turned out to be very simple. The Yakuts for centuries acquired their drining water by cutting ice and letting it melt in the sunshine. We know that aging begins with wrinkles. Wrinkling happens when our body’s cells start to dry up. One of the main causes of aging is our body’s inability to assimilate and process the water we consume. To slow down the aging process, we should learn to prepare and use WATER from MELTED ICE. Structured water can be prepared from any kind of water. Pour water into a pot, cover the pot, put it in the freezer for 2-3 hours ( I put for all night), than take out and break the frozen surface. ( some people put this water one more in the freezer). The water under the ice has the same structure as the water in our body’s cells. (I not recommend restaurant’s ice water). Drinking only one glass of such water every morning on an empty stomach can significantly improve your mood and the way you look . It is especially beneficial for the elderly because it flushes not only unhealthy deposits out of their bodies but also old and dead cells, and this way it prevents them from cancers. I often put my bottle of water or glass outside for 5-10 mints (influence a solar energy or/and coloured energy).