Everybody wants to Become Younger, but not everybody wants to do more than wishful thinking about it. If we want to Become Younger and Healthier, we must DO something about it.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Gandhi's Health Guide

Millions of people today continue to be inspired by Mahatma Gandhi's teachings because he was a genuine man of God. He also was an original thinker with an inquiring mind who refused to accept untested principles. What many people may not know is that Gandhi's thoughts on health are as original as his thoughts on spirituality and politics. This book shows how his renunciation of Western medicine transformed the man and his ideas.
Gandhi's Health Guide

The great Mahatma Gandhi, at the age of 32 became a student of nature cure. First he became a vegetarian and then a fruitarian. After six months as a fruitarian, he said in his book - The Health Guide:
"A period of six months is all too short to arrive at any definite conclusions on such a vital matter as a complete change of diet. This, however, I can say, that during this period I have been able to keep well where others have been attacked by disease, and my physical as well as my mental powers are now greater than before. I may not be able to lift heavy loads, but I can do hard labor for much longer time without fatigue. I can also do more mental work and with better persistence and resoluteness. I have tried a fruit diet on many sickly people invariably with great advantage. My own experience, as well as my study of the subject has confirmed me in the conviction that a fruit diet is the best one for us." - Gandhi.

Gandhi's Health Guide

Photo by Nattyh