Everybody wants to Become Younger, but not everybody wants to do more than wishful thinking about it. If we want to Become Younger and Healthier, we must DO something about it.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Aging and the raw diet

Sure, aging is a natural fact of life, but who says you can’t look good while you do it? As you might have guessed, one of the best ways to counteract visible signs of aging is to take proper care of your skin. Aside from the obvious ways of keeping your skin looking young like keeping it moisturized, using a quality face cream, and protecting it from the sun, you may want to also consider the “raw diet”.

You are what you eat! While this may not literally be the case, you know very well what it means. The food you ingest into your body has a direct physical effect and in many cases also a psychological effect. Your skin is no exception to this rule.

Recently, celebrities Donna Karan and Carol Alt have endorsed the raw diet, bringing it into the public eye and causing it to rapidly grow in popularity. However, this isn’t some sort of self-depraving Hollywood diet. It’s simply a highly effective diet that focuses on overall health and well being, as well as anti-aging!

As the name implies, the raw diet consists mainly of raw foods. Ideal foods are those which have not undergone any processing and that have not been cooked. Organic foods should be used whenever possible.

Read more: Battle aging with the raw diet