Everybody wants to Become Younger, but not everybody wants to do more than wishful thinking about it. If we want to Become Younger and Healthier, we must DO something about it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Whether we realize it or not, our words affect our family, children, friends.
Our words have the power. We need to speak loving words of approval and acceptance, words that encourage, inspire and motivate.

"Don't do what I want you to do. Do what you want to do. Follow your own dreams".

Maybe you didn't do well at blessing your children as they were growing up. It's not too late. Start to do it now. Pick up the phone to call and encourage them, to tell them you are proud of them.

We need to be extremely careful about what we allow to come out of our mouths.
Words can't be taken back!
Once you speak them, they take on a life of their own.
We should never speak negative destructive words toward anybody.
It is important for a husband to understand that his words have tremendous power in his wife's life. He needs to bless her with his words. She's given her life to love and care for him, to partner with him, to create a family together, to nurture his children. If he always finding fault in something she's doing, always putting her down, he will reap horrendous problems in his marriage and in his life.
Many women today are depressed and feel emotionally abused because their husbands do not bless them with their words. One of the leading causes of emotional breakdowns among married women is the fact that women do not feel valued.
"Oh, my wife knows I love her", many said. "I don't need to tell her. I told her back when we got married forty years ago".
No, she needs to hear it again and again.
Every single day, a husband should tell his wife,
"I love you. I appreciate you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me".
A wife should do the same for her husband.
Your relationship would improve immensely if you'd simply start speaking kind, positive words, blessing your spouse insted of cursing him or her.
Very soon you'll see a miracle.
God is a miracle-working God.
"Don't do what I want you to do. Do what you want to do. Follow your own dreams".

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Don't be cruel, please....said fish

SophieMuc's photostrem
look me in the eye baby

Humans were to become lazy and aggressive, a combination which led them into the unfortunate habit of killing animals, birds, fishes, and yes, even one another, for food.

Going Fishing?

Catch-and-release In Less Than Four Minutes, Please.

Science Daily
Recreational fishing that involves catch-and-release may seem like just good fun, and that released fish go on to live happily ever after, but a recent study at the University of Illinois shows that improper handling techniques by anglers can increase the likelihood of released fish being caught by predators.
After the stress of the catch and lack of oxygen from being out of water, the fish is in a weakened state. When it eventually gets released back into the water, if fish haven't been handled properly, they are more likely to be caught by a predator.
A study on the effects of catch-and-release angling on bonefish which was conducted by a team led by University of Illinois researcher Cory Suski.
"Whenever a fish is caught and reeled in, it expends a lot of energy so that's one stressor," said Suski. Depending upon the skill of the angler, the catching can last a long time and put additional stress on the fish. When the fish is brought up on the deck or in the boat to measure and take a picture, it faces an additional challenge and cannot obtain enough oxygen, and the fish continues to accumulate physiological disturbances. "Our recommendation to catch-and-release sport anglers is that they minimize the time it takes to actually land the fish and take a picture, and then get it back into the water as soon as possible."

More: Science Daily

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
October 1, 2007

Thursday, September 06, 2007

The world's largest producer of microwave popcorn, ConAgra Foods Inc., said yesterday that it plans to eliminate from its Orville Redenbacher and Act II brands a butter flavoring linked to severe lung disease in popcorn factory workers



Got Allergies and Mucus?

If your kids suffer from chronic runny noses and sore throats, it might be time to dump the dairy. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, cow’s milk is the number one-cause of food allergies in children. According to the former director of pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Frank Oski, there is evidence to indicate that up to half of U.S. children have some allergic reaction to milk. For these kids (and for adults who are allergic to dairy foods), milk is a mucus maker and can lead to persistent problems such as chronic coughs and sinus infections, asthma, and ear infections.
More and more physicians and dietitians realize that removing dairy products from the diet can be the solution to many childhood illnesses such as runny noses, constipation, colic, ear infections, and gas—and the list goes on.
See for yourself:
According to a report published by the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology Committee on Adverse Reactions to Food (part of the National Institutes of Health),
the allergies of up to one third of children tested cleared after milk was removed from their diet.
Dr. Benjamin Spock, author of the world-famous book Baby and Child Care, wrote in 1998, "Cow’s milk is not recommended for a child when he is sick—or when he is well, for that matter. Dairy products may cause more mucus complications and cause more discomfort with upper respiratory infections."
In their book Allergies to Milk, Drs. Sami L. Bahna and Douglas C. Heiner report that children who are allergic to milk "may have breathing difficulty, particularly during sleep, or an irritating cough associated with a postnasal drip. … The cough is frequently associated with noisy breathing and excessive mucus in the throat, and sometimes parents worry that their child is ‘gagging.’ … Such affected children are frequently diagnosed as having upper respiratory infection, viral illness, bronchitis, … or pneumonia. Accordingly, they may be given unnecessary medications, including cough syrups, decongestants, or antibiotics. Relief, however, is not satisfactory until cow’s milk is eliminated from the diet.
"A 1997 report on food allergies in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that cow’s milk allergies tend to hit children in their infancies. Recommended therapies for food allergies include "strict removal of the offending allergen" or possibly a diet centered on human breast milk.
A British study found that 93 percent of children diagnosed with cow’s milk allergy experienced asthma and/or rhinitis when milk was included in their diet. (The book Asthma and Rhinitis states that rhinitis is "characterized by itching, sneezing, nasal blockage, and discharge.")
Frank Oski, M.D., the former director of the Department of Pediatrics of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and physician-in-chief of the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, said in his 1992 book,
"The fact is: The drinking of cow milk has been linked to iron-deficiency anemia in infants and children; it has been named as the cause of cramps and diarrhea in much of the world’s population, and the cause of multiple forms of allergy as well."

Read more:

Instead of...

Truth About Daily Products:

Cows used for Their Milk

Friday, June 29, 2007



You may have heard about people eating raw food and drinking juices to detoxify themselves but you may not know the ins and outs of why. The truth is, cooked food is considered as poison to the human body, in fact, every time we eat cooked food our white blood cells multiply to get rid of the invader! This process of white blood cell multiplication is known as digestive leucocytosis. Our bodies are not designed to eat cooked food and it has to be eliminated as quickly as possible or else stored in adipose tissue.
Human beings are frugivores and can only live healthfully on a diet primarily consisting of raw fruit, nuts and seeds and green leafy vegetables. Raw plant material is the only thing our bodies' recognise as food and eating this way is the only way to achieve maximum vitality and optimum health.
For many years we have been told that we must have lots of protein in our diet, or lots of calcium and, we are told, meat and animal products are our way of providing this. Actually, meat and animal products are the hardest things for the human body to digest and result in poor health, directly or indirectly. This is not only because they are cooked but also because the human body is not designed physiologically to consume flesh foods or flesh products. This means that the consumption of this type of food results in an inevitable putrefaction and the resultant poisonous by-products play havoc with our health. All cooked foods are classed as alien to us and the only way the human body can take in nutrients is when the food we eat is whole, raw and plant. This means that anything other than that is thought of as poison and the body tries to expel it or store it away to prevent it from causing harm. A diet consisting of mainly or solely raw food gives us ALL THE NUTRIENTS WE NEED and is all the body requires for its vital functioning.

Don't be fooled by the myths!
On switching to a raw food and juices diet many people have allowed their bodies to heal from life-threatening diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. and have turned around the ageing process. (AS ME)

by Gina Shaw MA
Health and Nutrition Consultant & Health Educator
Visit her web site at http://vibrancy.homestead.com/pageone.html

Source: http://www.living-foods.com/articles/whyrawfood.html

Are you biologically younger, older, or the same as your calendar age?
Take the free RealAge test:
You’ll get:
-A personalized plan to feel younger
-A list of what’s making you younger or older

Friday, April 27, 2007


Many of you and me too, want to know more about water.

Watch MOVIE and read more here:


"Water is not just some colorless and tasteless one dimensional liquid; on the contrary, life on earth originated from water, and all life forms depend on water to sustain them, therefore water is the fundamental foundation and source of eternal life on earth.
Without water, neither humans nor any other life forms can exist. There are some life forms which may exist without air, but none may exist without water. Simply put, there is no substitute for water.
If we can not find staples such as rice or bread, we can replace them with meat and vegetables, even if a marriage ends up in separation or divorce causing loneliness and heartache, someone else can be found to fill that hole in our lives; however, on the entire planet earth, there is no substitute that can replace water.

Life can not exist without water, and water can not be replaced with any other substance. Humanity can benefit as a whole by appreciating such a valuable and rare natural resource, and by furthering the field of knowledge of how water plays active role in environment and health. "

Read more:
Water Lives Inside my Body

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Structured water is most beneficial to our health.

We can get it from FRUITS and VEGETABLES, their juices,
and from MELTED ICE.
Scientists became interested in the fact that the Yakut people of Siberia in northern Russia live , on the average, for one hundred years. They do not have running water or well water; they eat very little fruits and vegetables; their diet is poor in general but they virtually never get sick.
The answer to the mystery turned out to be very simple. The Yakuts for centuries acquired their drining water by cutting ice and letting it melt in the sunshine.
We know that aging begins with wrinkles. Wrinkling happens when our body’s cells start to dry up.
One of the main causes of aging is our body’s inability to assimilate and process the water we consume.
To slow down the aging process, we should learn to prepare and use WATER from MELTED ICE.
Structured water can be prepared from any kind of water.
Pour water into a pot, cover the pot, put it in the freezer for 2-3 hours ( I put for all night), than take out and break the frozen surface. ( some people put this water one more in the freezer).
The water under the ice has the same structure as the water in our body’s cells.

(I not recommend restaurant’s ice water).
Drinking only one glass of such water every morning on an empty stomach can significantly improve your mood and the way you look .
It is especially beneficial for the elderly because it flushes not only unhealthy deposits o
ut of their bodies but also old and dead cells, and this way it prevents them from cancers.
I often put my bottle of water or glass outside for 5-10 mints (influence a solar energy or/and coloured energy).

Can We Live 150 Years?: Your Body Maintenance Handbook

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


The Lymph System: The Body’s Garbage Collector.
This magnificent system’s purpose has long been misunderstood and its activities misinterpreted. As part of the incredible intelligence of the human body, here are several systems that perform seemingly miraculous functions: the nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, reproductive system, musculoskeletal system,


which is an integral part of the body’s defense system.

Our body is infinitely capable of defending and protecting itself. Our Creator thought of absolutely everything when making our bodies. God didn’t forget something as critically important and essential as a mechanism to protect against disease.

That is the defense system, erroneously referred to as the "immune system". It would be lovely if we could be made "immune", but it doesn’t work that way.
If we hold a loaded gun to our head and pull the trigger, there is no immunity to blowing our brains out. And there is no immunity to violating the laws of nature for years on and not having to pay the price for doing so. People have been convinced that they can live an an-healthy lifestyle, than run to the doctor for a pill or shot that will make everything okay, as if miraculously , all past transgressions can be swept away by some potion.
As far as preventing disease and creating vibrant health are concerned, our success depends on understanding the Lymph System, which is the heart and soul of the body’s defense mechanism.
The Lymph System is not at all complicated.
Toxins are a major contributing factor in the development of disease.
If toxins are allowed to build up and remain in the body, they will eventually cause harm to some degree, anything general aches and pains all the way to driving cells crazy.
If, however, they are removed from the body on a regular basis so that what is being build up is not allowed to exceed what is eliminated, your system will be kept sufficiently clean to prevent disease from ever getting started.

How fortunate we are that our bodies are equipped with such supreme intelligence.
What is The Immune System?

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Unhealthy lifestyle - civilization diseases.
Most of us eat too much, rather from habit than hunger. We are convinced in our childhood that we have to eat a few meals a day regardless of how we feel.
An old Tibetan teaches:

"Most people get ill for one of two reasons - overeating or hunger". As it turns out , we often use forks and spoons to dig our own graves.

The knowledge allowing us to use a correct diet is very important. It is not enough to prepare tasty meals; we need to know how properly nurture our body.
Our body is overwhelmed by the necessity to digest, process, and assimilate excessive amounts of food.
From what kind of food should we get our life energy ?

The kind that grows in the sunlight is the best source of energy for us. The sun is the universal energy source for every living organism. Nature gave plants the ability to absorb and accumulate sun energy that is later available for our use.

Nutrition influences not only our health but also our longevity.

I would like to add that diet based only on the calorie count is wrong from the physiological point of view. It is not the initial calorie content of the food that matters, but how much energy we actually obtain from it when it is digested.
Even though plant-based foods represent lower calorie content, net energy our body receives after their digestion is still higher. This is why a bowl of fruits makes us feel light and ready to do some work , but , in contrast, eating a portion of meat makes us feel going to sleep. We associate meat consumption with strength and energy. In reality, meat only stimulates our nervous system in similar way narcotics do.

"I do feel that spiritual progress does demand, at some stage, that we should cease to kill our fellow creatures for the satisfaction of our bodily wants" - Mahatma Gandhi